On behalf of the IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE Cast and Crew, we send you all a massive THANK YOU for coming to see us during our most recent run ✨️ Your feedback, very kind words, and continued support means the world to us ✨

If you would like to be kept informed about future productions, please send an email with your details to alexandraplayers@gmail.com and we will add you to our mailing list.

We’re on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter too… come give us a follow!

#ItsAWonderfulLife #Acting #AmateurDramatics #AmateurTheatre #Amdram #Blackheath #Charlton #Drama #Greenwich #LocalTheatre #MaryElliotNelson #Plumstead #SELondon #SE10 #SE18 #SE3 #SE7 #SouthEast #London #TheAlexandraPlayers #Theatre #Woolwich

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